What to Expect
I love working with animals and people, and helping clients to achieve successful relationships with their pets. I have had pets all of my life, and I currently live with one dog, two house rabbits, and a bunch of chickens. My practical experience includes training and working with New Zealand’s only tuatara detection conservation dog. I have specialised in dog behaviour for almost 20 years, but have also worked with cats, pigs, rats, ducks, chickens, and rabbits.

My Experience
I have a PhD on the topic of dog behaviour and training. My research focused on dog-human communication, such as the timing of feedback and body language, so I understand the importance of helping people to get this right. I have presented my dog behaviour research at conferences around the world, and it has been published in scientific journals. I maintain global links with other animal behaviour professionals, and keep up to date with the latest research and other developments in the animal behaviour world. My dog training research featured regularly in the media, most-recently on TVNZ One News. As well as leading Browne Dog, I teach university animal behaviour courses, and I have a thorough understanding of modern animal behaviour science.
My Interests
Over the past five years I have volunteered my expertise to the Hamilton Dog Obedience Club, a Puppies in Prison programme, and free dog owner education seminars. I have also worked with the Hamilton City Council, Waikato SPCA, and local dog businesses in advisory and educational capacities. My expertise on dog-human communication means that I can teach you how to better understand your pet. With Browne Dog, you can be assured that you are getting professional help from an expert who understands how important your pet is to you.

Let’s talk. Contact me today.
You might just want to find out if behavioural work with your animal is something that might help. Let’s catch up for a no obligation conversation to find out.